Thursday, October 25, 2018

XXXXX DNA 28 - Signal recognition particle news code

code word--> recognition--> 

code--> 1967 borders -->  gravity 67 borders

code--> Nicolas --> Ni  c co --> Nitrogen cycle code

Ismail Haniyeh  secrets of Washington DC  thinkers and schemes / stories  - Wikipedia
    Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh is a senior political leader of Hamas and formerly one of two disputed Prime Ministers of the Palestinian National Authority. Haniyeh became prime minister after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 ...

    Hippocampus - The Brain Made Simple
      Location: Part of the Limbic system, in each temporal lobe. Function: Responsible for processing of long term memory and emotional responses. The hippocampus has a unique shape, similar to that of a horseshoe.


      ...........campus ....... advanced university ..... molecule education 


      refugee  camp   

      Hippocampus - Wikipedia
        The hippocampus belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex (allocortical) and in primates in the medial temporal lobe.


        Learning, and 

        Emotion: the Hippocampus | PsychEducation
          Memories of names live in this left temporal lobe: particularly people's names, names of animals, and names of tools. If you would like two paragraphs on “why these names?”, click here. The portion of the brain that helps those names get into memory in the first place, this hippocampus thing we are talking about, is also part
          Memories of names live in this left temporal lobe:
          Memories of names live in this left temporal lobe:
          Memories of names    vein  ............................. lobe:

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